Our Story
Welcome to our family! We are a family for many reasons. The practice was established in 1975 by Dr. William Resh and in 2010 his daughter, Dr. Brooke Resh Sateesh joined him. Our family has grown over the past decade with the additions of Dr. Nick Celano (Pediatric Dermatologist), Dr. Jennifer Yeh Chiang, Dr. Jacqueline Brogan, Dr. Abby Tyagi, Dr. Justin Gordon, Dr. Jose Angel Gonzalez, Dr. Vicky Barrio (Pediatric Dermatologist), Dr. Shinko Lin, Dr. Sachi Patel, Dr. Bobak Pousti and Dr. Nathan Uebelhoer (Mohs Micrographic Surgeon) who have joined our practice to help serve our communities. Our staff has been a part of the family for over 40 years and has included mothers, daughters, sisters, and cousins. We see patients of all ages, races, and gender and get to know their families from young to old. Most importantly, we believe that each patient deserves equal access to the best quality of care and should be treated as family. We continue to get wonderful feedback due to our amazing, caring staff and compassionate doctors. Please read our feedback here.
Bienvenidos a nuestra familia! Somos una familia por muchas razones. El consultorio medico fue establecido en 1975 por el Dr. William Resh, y en el 2010 su hija la Dra. Brooke Resh Sateesh se unió a el. Nuestra familia ha crecido con la incorporación del Dr. Nick Celano (Dermatólogo Pediatra), la Dra. Jennifer Yeh Chiang, el Dr. Jose Angel Gonzalez, la Dra. Aislyn Nelson, la Dra. Jacqueline Brogan, la Dra. Abby Tyagi, el Dr. Justin Gordon, la Dra. Vicky Barrio (Dermatóloga Pediatra) y el Dr. Nathan Uebelhoer (Cirujano micrográfico de Mohs) quienes se han unido a nuestro consultorio medico para ayudar a nuestra comunidad. Nuestro equipo medico y administrativo ha sido parte de nuestra familia por mas de 40 años, y ha incluido a madres, hijas, y a hermanas. Los pacientes que atendemos son de todas las edades, razas, y géneros, lo cual nos ayuda a conocer a sus familias desde los mas pequeños, hasta los adultos de la tercera edad. Creemos que lo mas importante es que cada paciente merece igualdad de acceso a la mejor calidad de atención medica, y debe ser tratado como si fueran de la familia. Continuamos recibiendo comentarios maravillosos debido a nuestro increíble personal atento y médicos compasivos. Lea nuestros comentarios aquí.
اهلا بك الى عائلتنا! نحن عائلة لعدة اسباب. تأسست هذه الممارسة في عام 1975 مع الدكتور ريش وليام. و في عام 2010 انضمت اليه ابنته الدكتورة بروك ساتيش. موضفينا جزء من الاسرة لاكثر من 40 سنة و شملت الامهات و البنات و الاخوات. نحن نستقبل كل الاعمار و الاجناس و المساوة بين الجنسين و التعرف على اسرهم من الشباب الى الشيخوخة. الاهم من ذلك فأننا نعتقد ان كل مريض يستحق المساواة في الحصول على افضل نوعية من الرعاية و يجب ان تعامل على انها اسرة.
لدينا الترجمة العربية و الكلدانية.
Our Policies
Our Policies
Credit Cards on File (CCOF): All Commercally Insured Patients (non-government insurance) are required to have a credit card on file to cover co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles. You can read more about this policy here.
First time visitors: Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to allow time for registration. We ask you bring the following with you:
- Insurance card (REQUIRED)
- A list (or the bottles) of all your medications (oral and topical)
- A list of your medical history and physicians
- Printed forms if you did not submit online
Cancellations: If you need to cancel or re-schedule an appointment for any reason, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance in order to open up a slot for another patient. If you no-show to three appointments or have three same day cancellations you will only be allowed to call for same day appointments. For surgery and American Core/No American (NAT) Patch testing appointments, $50 will be charged for cancellations within 3 business days.
Tardiness: We value your time! And we hope you will value ours and other patients'. If you arrive more than 5 minutes late to an appointment, you may end up having to wait until there is a gap of time to be seen.
Same day appointments: If you have an urgent issue, for example a new rash that started in the last day or two, please call our office staff to arrange a same day appointment. After a brief assessment on the phone, you will be scheduled as soon as possible.
Prescription Refills: Please call your pharmacy first to determine if they can dispense a refill without further authorization from us. You should plan on contacting the pharmacy at least 24 hours prior to picking up your medication. This gives them time to prepare your prescription and reduces your waiting time.
Before contacting us for an authorization, please consider the following:
Was the prescription written by our practice? We do not refill medications that we have not prescribed.
In general, if it has been 12 months since you last visited our office and would like a prescription refill, we ask you to schedule a follow-up appointment.
Does the medication require an exam or lab test? Some medications (e.g. Accutane) are subject to federal or state regulations and cannot be refilled without a physical exam or mandatory lab test.
Service Animals: We love pets! However, due to allergies and patients safety, we can only allow Service Animals in our offices. All other pets will need to wait accompanied outside or in your car.
Nuestra Póliza
Tarjetas de crédito registradas (CCOF): todos los pacientes con seguro comercial (seguro no gubernamental) deben tener una tarjeta de crédito registrada para cubrir copagos, coseguros y deducibles. Puede leer más sobre esta política aquí.
Visitante por primera vez: Por favor llegue 15 minutos antes de la hora de su cita para tener tiempo para registrarse. Le pedimos que traiga lo siguiente con usted:
- Tarjeta de seguro (NECESARIO)
- Identificación fotográfica (NECESARIO)
- Una lista (o botellas) de todos sus medicamentos (oral o tópica)
- Una lista de su historia medica y sus doctores
- Formas impresas si no las envio por línea
Cancelaciones: Si necesita cancelar o reprogramar su cita por cualquier motivo, por favor notifiquenos con al menos 24 horas de anticipación así podemos ofrecer la cita a otro paciente. Para cirugías y pruebas de parche que no fueron canceladas se cobrarán $50.00. Si no se presenta a tres de sus citas o cancela el mismo día solo se le permitirá solicitar cita el mismo día.
Tardanza: ¡Valoramos su tiempo! Y esperamos que valore el nuestro y de otros pacientes. Si llega más de 5 minutos tarde a su cita puede terminar teniendo que esperar hasta que haya un lapso de tiempo para ser visto.
Citas del mismo día: Si tienes un problema urgente, por ejemplo una erupción que comenzó en el último día o dos, por favor llame a nuestro personal para hacerle una cita el mismo día. Después de una breve evaluación por teléfono se le programara lo antes posible.
Relleno de su receta: Por favor llame a su farmacia para determinar si pueden dispensar su nueva receta sin más autorización nuestra. Debe planear comunicarse con la farmacia al menos 24 horas antes de recoger su medicamento. Esto les da tiempo para preparar su receta y reduce su tiempo de espera.
Animales de servicio: ¡Nos encantan las mascotas! Sin embargo, debido a las alergias y la seguridad de los pacientes, solo podemos permitir animales de servicio en nuestras oficinas. Todas las demás mascotas deberán esperar acompañadas afuera o en su automóvil.
Antes de contactarnos para una autorización, por favor considere lo siguiente:
¿Fue la receta escrita por nuestra práctica? No rellenamos medicamentos que no hemos recetado.
En general, si han pasado 12 meses desde la última vez que visitó nuestra oficina y quisiera volver a surtir una receta necesita programar una cita.
Algunos medicamentos requieren un examen o prueba de sangre? (por ejemplo Accutane) están sujetos a regulaciones federales o estatales y no se puede volver a llenar sin un examen físico o una prueba de laboratorio obligatorio.
Open Payments Database Notification / Sunshine Act
For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here: https://openpaymentsdata.cms.
The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.
SD Family Dermatology complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. SD Family Dermatology does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
If you believe that SD Family Dermatology has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) Complaint forms are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.
SD Family Dermatology cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. SD Family Dermatology no excluye a las personas ni las trata de forma diferente debido a su origen étnico, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo.
Si considera que SD Family Dermatology no le proporcionó estos servicios o lo discriminó de otra manera por motivos de origen étnico, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo, puede presentar un reclamo a la siguiente persona: Al Department of Health and Human Services Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE. UU. de manera electrónica a través de Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, disponible en https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, o bien, por correo postal a la siguiente dirección o por teléfono a los números que figuran a continuación: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) Puede obtener los formularios de reclamo en el sitio web http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.
Our Family Q&A
Our Family Q&A
We will post your most frequently asked questions with answers as they arise.
Will I always see a Medical Doctor when I make an appointment?
Absolutely. At SDFD, you will ALWAYS see the Doctor (MD/DO). We do not employ Physician Assistants (PA) or Nurse Practitioners.
Do you see same day appointments?
Absolutely. Any patient with an urgent or emergent issue can be seen on the same day they call.
How many weeks out do you book patients?
We run a very busy clinic, trying to serve the patients in our community. However, we strive to keep our wait time under four to six weeks. We guarantee all Pediatric patients an appointement within four weeks. It it's an urgent or acute issue, we will certainly work a patient in ASAP.
Do you do video consultations?
Our providers do offer video consultations, however, we only do them for follow-up patients where the physician deems it appropriate. There are few exceptions where we are able to provide a video to a new patient.
Do you do any cosmetic procedures?
San Diego Family Dermatology prides itself on being a medical dermatology focused practice. We do not advertise or push cosmetics on our patients. We do use botox to treat hyperhidrosis (excess sweating). Some of our providers do use botox, fillers, and peels for cosmetic purposes. We can provide sclerotherapy for veins on the legs.
How far are you located from Mission Valley?
Our National City office is conveniently located 8 minutes from Mission Valley and the 8 Freeway, 5 minutes from downtown, and 5-15 minutes from anywhere in Chula Vista. Our El Cajon office is just 10-15 minutes from La Mesa, Spring Valley, Grossmont, Rancho San Diego, and Lemon Grove. Our Poway office is located 5 minutes from Rancho Bernardo, 15 minutes from Mira Mesa and Escondido, 20 minutes from Mission Valley,
Do you take walk-ins?
We do take walk-ins, however, we will only be able to fit them in during a lull between scheduled patients or at the end of the clinic. Some days, we will be unable to accommodate walk-ins unless they are urgent. We do not want those who have scheduled an appointment to have to wait. If you are planning on coming in, it is always preferred to give our front office a call.
Contact Us
We are available from 8:30am-4:30pm via Phone, Text, and Email.
Referring Providers/Offices: To avoid long wait times, please text us at 855.487.1609 and your message will be routed to the appropriate department for a call back. This is the quickest way to reach the appropriate person.
Call: 619.267.8303 - Our centralized phone system services all locations and allows for a call back when it is your turn in line.
Text: 855.487.1609 - During working hours, we guarantee a reply to all texts within one hour (but it is usually instant). This is the most efficient way to contact us and can be used for scheduling as well as questions.
Email: SDFD monitors 2 email addresses and guarantees a reply within 2 business days.
These email accounts are not encrypted and thus are not HIPAA compliant. Please be aware of this before sending sensitive information. These emails are not monitored by a physician, so do not send medical questions.