Urgent Care
Have an Urgent Dermatology Issue? Need to be seen today?
At San Diego Family Dermatology we offer same-day appointments for all Urgent cases. During Covid-19, more than ever, we want you to avoid emergency rooms and urgent cares.
Please call our office and let them know you have an urgent issue, and you will be scheduled the same day (Monday-Thursday, and occassionally Fridays). You can also walk-in, however you may have a wait if you don’t call ahead.
Examples of Urgent Issues are:
Sudden breakout in a rash
Infection of the skin
Abscess of the skin
Severe worsening of a chronic skin condition
Reaction to a medication
Contact Dermatitis from Poison Ivy or other irritant
Blistering Rash
Shingles/Herpes Zoster
Extreme Itch that prevents sleep
Insurance Considerations
**Although we are more than happy to see any patient on a same day basis, not all insurances will reimburse without an authorization. If you are unsure, please call our office or your insurance company. We offer a cash rate for new patients' office visit based on Medicare's fee schedule. If necessary, procedures like biopsies may cost more, again following Medicare's fee schedule. We offer a sliding scale based on income which allows for discounts.
Those insurances that do not need an authorization (will reimburse) include:
Community Health Group (new patients need a referral)
Most PPOs (Call to inquire)
Tricare Select
Molina (new patients need a referral)
Insurances that do require an authorization (you will need to pay cash without an authorization) include:
Blue Shield Promise
Blue Shield HMO Platinum/Gold/Silver/Bronze Plans
Community Care IPA
Health Excel
Imperial Health Holdings
Integrated Health Partners
Mercy Physicians Medical Group
Mid-County Physicians Group
Tricare Prime
Prime Healthcare/Keenan
United Physicians International
*We are constantly working with these insurances to allow easier and urgent access to our services.